Dragonfly Cohousing
Passive House Consulting
A green story by Marken Design + Consulting.
Cohousing and Passive House are a perfect fit. The Concept of Cohousing has been around for a while, starting sometime in the 60’s with the development of a Danish community near Copenhagen, where it is now a well established housing option supported by the Danish government.
The concept has spread around the globe with cohousing communities all over the world getting more and more popular as an alternative sustainable, supportive and environmentally friendly housing option.
One important ingredient of cohousing since the beginning was and is sustainability – not only if it comes to the living concept itself but also in regards to the living space: Healthy living, Energy independence, High comfort and longevity are a few key elements forming an integral part of the community’s design vision.
No surprise that the Passive House building energy standard is gaining popularity amongst cohousing proponents with a few PH communities completed and more coming.
In Canada, the planned Dragonfly Cohousing project in Calgary is making a splash with aiming to achieve the Passive House standard for its 38 unit cohousing development.
Marken Design + Consulting has provided Passive House Consulting Services for this project.