Passive House Consulting
Consume up to 90% less energy
A green story by Marken Design + Consulting.
The Passive House Standard fundamentally consists of an energy limit (heating/cooling/building operation), a quality requirement (comfort) and a defined set of Passive systems. With over two dozen projects completed or underway, Marken Design + Consulting is one of Canada's leading certified Passive House Design and Consulting professionals.
Budget, design, location, contractor, climate, and construction method are the most crucial components impacting the end result and whether this standard can be achieved or not. Therefore, it is essential to set goals from the very beginning and have a common understanding of the challenges and the process.
PHPP Model – Passive House Energy Modelling software
We are using the Passive House Energy Modelling software (PHPP) to analyze the design and recommend adjustments and improvements in order for your project to meet the Passive House Energy Standard. We also assess the economic feasibility of aiming for the Passive House Standard.
In addition, we will review construction details, product & material selections and discuss any items where we see possible efficiencies & cost savings.
We are certified professionals with the International Passive House Institute experienced in consulting on over two dozen PH projects in Canada and the US, including several certifications.
- Passive House Design
- Passive House Consulting
- Passive House Certification
- Passive House Construction Detailing
- PHPP Energy Modelling
Our Add-on services include Envelope Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, THERM Calculations and more.
Book your free consultation today.